'Tis The Season

Total Volunteer Hours: 14.25 Happy Holidays! We are now on our last module of the semester which is GI/Neoplasm. The semester has really flown by and we are about to take the exam tomorrow! We have gone over drugs for cancer therapy, peptic ulcers, IBD/IBS, and herbal supplements. On a fun note, it's a very festive time of the year and we've had plenty of events to attend this December (work hard, play hard). I have continued to volunteer at Goldring's Center for Culinary Medicine. I joined a community based class this time in which they made variety of meals. This session focused on recipes that were low sodium. The chef gave good pointers on different spices you can use in place of adding salt. I was able to sit down with the chef and dietitian and discuss dietary changes that could be beneficial to patients with hypertension. I've had so much volunteering at Goldring and look forward to continue through next semester.