Lettuce Celebrate!

It is now officially the end of October (Happy Halloween!)
I am honestly shocked of how fast time is going, but everything has been good so far! Lately I have been volunteering at the Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine with some pharm friends and medical students from Tulane. The Goldring Center is a group of chefs that have come together to help teach the community different cooking techniques as well as nutrition and tips on healthier eating. As a volunteer, I get to help prep for the class, assist the families during the cooking session, and cleanup after the class is complete. Not only is it inspiring to see the parents willing to learn different ways to improve eating habits for the family, but it’s also amazing to see the kids so engaged and excited for it as well. I look forward to continuing volunteering at the Goldring Center and take in tips that I could later share with my friends, family, and hopefully future patients, small lifestyle changes that could improve their health.

On a different note, classes have been going very well! I finally figured out a study routine that has been working for me and have been happy with all of my test results. We have just finished up our autonomic nervous system module and are now in the cardiovascular module. Although these subjects have been challenging, I have enjoyed learning all the different drugs and clinical application of them. As a previous medical scribe in the emergency department, I can finally understand why certain medications were given, which I think is pretty cool!

Service Hours: 7.50


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