Happy Mardi Gras!

February service hours: 18
Total service hours: 18

Hey Everyone!
February is now coming to an end but it was the most eventful month yet. I just experienced my first Mardi Gras in New Orleans and had so much fun. All the parades and music was definitely worth seeing.

On another note, I completed a lot of volunteer hours this month. First, I got to be a medical volunteer at the rock n roll marathon which was super fun! Although waking up at 5am was not all so pleasant, it was worth it. We got to interact with the physicians on site, along with current medical students at Tulane and LSU.  At the medical tent we helped triage, scribe for the physicians, and assist in patient treatment.

Next, I volunteered as a judge for the junior science fair. This was also such a fun opportunity. I loved seeing how passionate all the junior high kids were about science and was impressed of their knowledge. I thought being a judge would be easy, but I honestly wanted to give everyone an award so that was challenging.

As studying goes, I have been preparing for the NBME and MCAT. The NBME is less than a month away, which is a bit stressful, but Dr. Clarkson has been so helpful with his reviews and study tips. From all the exams we have taken, new study habits I picked up, the support we have from our professors/faculty, and knowledge we have gained through this program, I am sure we will all do well.


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